
Thursday, 30 May 2013

I think he's actually getting worse.

     So I just keep sketching stuff, sometimes making slow progress.  As far as just faces go, I'm for sure better than I was, but still below some arbitrary boundary I've set for myself.  I need to get better at other aspects of drawing though, because there's not a terrible amount you can do with just the same faces over and over again. 

     The first thing that kind of pushed me a bit was no less than an artist's challenge; I was dared to draw Slash.  The gauntlet was thrown, the challenge was issued, and the smacked out sloppy-joe was drawn.

     You might gather that I'm slightly critical of Slash.  Well, for the record, Appetite for Destruction is one of the best albums of the 80's, and then none of the members of Guns n' Roses ever did anything worth listening to ever again.  Right after this one I wanted to do one more straight-on shot, before trying to stretch out a little.

     This was an attempt to do a little bit of detail, specifically I wanted to do some more hands.  They're still a little awkward but and freakishly long but it does seem like progress.  Also I was playing a lot of Fallout and figured "Why wouldn't radioactive soldiers of fortune have a little panache?"  After this I decided I needed to try experimenting with perspective.  Not every drawing can be a straight-on shot, no matter how much I want it to.  Unfortunately, since I have no experience with perspective yet, it seems like a giant step backwards in quality.  Check this out;

     So this pretty much turned out looking like a guy who got grazed with a shrink ray.  Maybe Rick Moranis was jealous of his handsome junk and got too drunk to shoot straight.   Actually, call Disney, I think I just came up with a script to pitch.  I bet changing the dimensions of the door would have helped.  I mean, art lessons would help too, but let's be reasonable.  I tried one more perspective shot.

    I don't know why I find gross nerds so funny.  It might be because this could have been me, had a few key things in my life gone wrong.  I also have always enjoyed the idea of people resting their gut on various things.  So, expect more attempts at perspective from me in the future, and honestly, you should also expect a lot of them to be gross nerds.

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