
Monday, 14 October 2019

All this for a joke about types of clay

      Well I'm back. I had knocked around a few ideas for the writing filler here and I couldn't really land on anything.  First I had this idea that I would make something about how the narrative structure of WWE-style wrestling is extremely similar to shonen genre anime and manga, but can you imagine a more deeply-focused nerd topic than that? Maybe something about Warhammer 40K.  Also, every thought I had on that topic invariably let back to Fist of the North Star or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and that's just going to lead to being lost in the weeds for hours.

     After that, I thought maybe something about how you can do all sorts of things just by getting enough people into it.  Obviously everyone already knows about things like large scale protests, but I was really thinking more along the lines of the Area 51 meme.  Clearly that was mostly joking around, but it did mean somebody had to draw up a plan for dealing with it, as well as having to explain to senior military officials what "Naruto running" is.  During that time, however, a man named Willem Van Spronsen did what amounted to committing suicide by cop, attacking one of the concentration camps on the southern border of the US.  It makes me think about what kind of level of organization we're going to see for things like that in the future, but I haven't really formed any worthwhile thoughts that someone else hasn't articulated better.

     What else, I voted today.  Call me a luddite, but I'm glad we still use paper ballots. Every single election in the US that's used electronic voting machines has had huge legitimacy questions surrounding it.  That's all I have to say about that which mean I truly have nothing interesting to say right now!

     I did these pages in fewer passes than the previous cluster.  I'm being a little inconsistent with how some of the characters are designed, because as I draw them over and over again I realize what a pain in the ass some aspects of them are. Still having some problems with perspective too, but I don't think it's as off as before.

    Probably still have to re-do the text, I can't decide between hand-written or typed.  I can't quite find a good font.

      Everything looks fairly stark when backgrounds aren't coloured in, I really want to do those better this time.  I like the guy who's passed out sitting up, though.

     The gutters/panel boundaries aren't in this pass, it'll probably look a lot less cluttered once those are in.

      People still remember when Kaopectate was the go-to stomach tonic instead of bismuth liquid, right? Anyway I made the Brick Dwarves Newfs.

      I don't like how the motion came out in this one, I could have made it more dynamic.

 This one has always stuck out as different because of the horizontal vs vertical layout.  I decided not to change it though, I need to mix up the visuals a little.

     A lot of the text isn't extremely readable on this one, but that'll be better after I put in the bubbles.