
Saturday, 22 April 2017

A nebulous cluster of dumb-looking assholes

     But enough about politics! Hah! Do you get it? It's because politics and FAAAAARRRRRRRTT.
Here are some pictures and words.


     In my head, the two headed guy here talks like an old math teacher of mine.  Or at least, the exaggerated version of him that built up in my head.  All the hard and sharp edges of his syllables are rounded off, so he'd be all "Hmm yez bleez viggs my gumbuder" whenever windows 3.11 was acting up. "Yez hello I am a Zbider Robod, bay no addenjin do my boorly drawn legz".  The guy on the bottom left is maybe the uniform I would make my henchmen wear, if I got some.

     "Mild disappointment/discomfort" is my favourite emotion to portray.

     Maybe my least awful looking snake fellow yet.  Also maybe an accidental Homer?, ?

     I keep falling into the same trap when I try to do comic related things.  Putting too much work into something before the stuff that comes after it is conceptually finalized.  This time I tried really hard not to do that and results followed.  This first one is the page before the "aah, empty" page from the last update.  I like to be vulgar.

     This immediately follows the "aah, empty" page.  I like to say I enjoy high-concept comedy but then I turn around and everything is "the heavyset man pees, then falls over.  In the distance, a fart."

     I have no idea how to even begin organizing the approach to this, so I'm mostly just winging it. I've still got a pile of in between pages to scribble out, but I'm pretty close the the end of the first scribble pass of this (issue? episode? story? volume?).  Following the scribbles comes sketches, then lines and background.  I'd like to paint it in but that still turns up looking like garbage, see panel 1 of the "Shitty Raiders" strip I put up a year ago.

mmm bop,