
Saturday, 11 March 2017

Hands and feet, Incomplete

     A bitter wind howls against the bedroom window as I wallow in the glow of a late-stage hangover.  To my right, my cat, Flapjack, is sleeping off his dinner.  He snores quietly, and I'm positive I heard him fart, just once.  As the abrasive malaise of too much wine slowly fades, what remains is a nagging feeling that I should try harder.

     I suppose I have been; when I first started doing this the updates were mostly single-image pictures, and now I've usually crammed three or four in there.  It's probably a good thing that I'm not satisfied, it makes me push more. It's still a frustratingly slow procedure to outline/write/thumbnail in a comic structure, but the more I do it, the more sense it makes at least.

     So here's some recent leavings.  There are more, but they're pretty much failures that I put too much work into and aren't worth your time or mine.   First off is form practice, and a little bit of conceptual character design. The top left figure is someone that I have an idea of a story arc for, but they aren't finalized or even named yet.  

     One big problem I have is drawing a figure that isn't just standing blandly, with arms and legs being uninteresting.  Another is drawing a person from a perspective that isn't Garfieldian.  Straight-on shots of people facing each other aren't interesting, regardless of how much lasagna they are eating.


     There's a question that burns on my mind daily, and I ask it of my cat at every opportunity.  It might be easier to just get something that asks the question for me.

     I almost consider this a failed attempt, but when you are implored by such a handsome face, how can you refuse.

     This piece is called "Completely normal and average human, behatted"

     And here's another thumbnail page of the comic I'm working on.  The chubby man taking a piss is a catalyst for a major plot point.
