You may have heard of a band called DEVO. Many people know them as a one-hit-wonder from the 80's, and those people are either stupid or deprived. In 2010, they released a surprisingly good album called "Something for Everybody", a criticism of western society at the time. Here, check it out:
Good, right?
There's a song in there called "No Place like Home", which at first listen, sounds like a pretty straightforward condemnation of how we're destroying the planet and fucking ourselves over. However, in the context of the entire album, it comes across more as Mark M. expressing emotional agony over some loss in his life. It's driven home by the line "Can't have a rainbow without the rain, can't have a painting without the pain, can't have a lover walk out without the love leaving with them."
With that line in mind, I've been experimenting with digital painting, so brace yourself for the pain.
I started with some already existing sketches. I know you still probably don't know/care what a beholder is, just bear with me.
Bob Ross I'm not, but then again I don't think he would dabble in this particular genre. I'm a bit of a pioneer, when you think about it.
Ok, I was actually pretty pleased with this one, which is kind of embarrassing. Of course there are still problems, the anatomy is a bit wonky and the head fin doesn't really line up with the face, but it's probably the best colouring I've done so far.
Something went wrong here. I didn't exactly set out to make "Owen Wilson with a Railgun" but that is what happened. It was all going well until the face, and then I realized the gun perspective was off and it was also a little crooked. Ah well, at least I kind of managed to make it look glowy, so it's not a total failure.
Here's another comic that 4 people will understand. Also I guess the joke has sort of been done already by Justin Roiland in the form of "Gazorpazorpfield". Whatever, I don't think he'll mind. What's he going to do, anyway?
Answer: We are DEVO