
Thursday, 19 November 2015

Dumb Nerd Shit

      Like it says in the title, I draw a lot of dumb nerd shit.  I think I was 7 the first time I played Dungeons & Dragons, so now I blame Gary Gygax for permanently ruining me.  We live in a time where all my hyper-dork hobbies as a kid are celebrated now, and I kind of hate it.  I'm trying to be an outcast over here, even if it is way easier to get a group together to throw dice these days.

     I have this problem where I still buy sourcebooks for roleplaying systems, even if I have no intention of ever playing them.  I usually liked the art.  It was rarely by professionals in the early days, so it was page after page of bizarre and upsetting outsider art.  For every Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, or Moebius working for Heavy Metal, there was an Errol Otus and a Kevin Siembieda, confusing the hell out of you.   I can't quite capture the vague off-puttingness of, say, a RIFTS sourcebook, but I AM obsessed with fantastic creatures experiencing high school drama.

      BEHOLD! I know Beholders aren't supposed to have bodies BUT I'M CHANGING THE RULES I'M THE DM.

     I'd smile like that too if I could cast "Protection from Law (Sor/Wiz) 1"

     Mind Flayers about to throw down on a headcheese sandwich.  Ok enough dork stuff, this next one is called "Tom Waits for a pizza".

     Alright I lied one more dork thing.  It's a mash-up of my experiences living in Dartmouth, N.S., with some waaaaaacky Lovecraft thrown in.

     It's too bad there isn't a larger crossover between Lovecraft fans and people who've lived in Dartmouth, because otherwise I just come off as calling people mean names.  I've never been to the Dartmouth in England, but I'd like to think they have roving hooligans bumming smokes too.
     Anyway if that drawing looks less like shit than usual, it's because I'm getting better with the tool selection.  It's all coming along.