
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

A foregone conclusion


     So you know what my biggest issue is so far? It's not hands (although that would be a good guess), it's figuring out a good aspect ratio so everything doesn't look like crap.  As I'm typing this I'm pretty sure you can just click on the images I post and hopefully get a better look at them.  When I drew this, everything was huge and filled up my monitor.  After adding it in here, the only options for display are "imperceptibly small" and "break all available website tables".  It's great how I can be generally competent with computers but still know absolutely nothing about formatting.

     The mascot has a name.  It's "Pogrom, Krom's Berserk Murderer".  I know in the Conan mythos it's spelled "Crom" but who knows, that might be protected by copyright or something.  I didn't put in a frame showing the results of the capture attempt because I think we all know how it's going to go down.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Codename: Cathy Lou

     Have you ever read Achewood? I recommend it.  I might have even recommended it before and forgot, but it bears repeating; Achewood is usually excellent.  As I was putting together another strip I realized a lot of traits for Bob Adobbo are at least reminiscent of and maybe even a little "blatantly ripped-off" from Ray Smuckles.  Look:

     The beauty of wizards is that nothing has to make any sense, because a wizard did it.