
Saturday, 25 October 2014

No sugar tonight, in my tea

     I guess it's time to up my game a little bit, then? When I draw faces/heads they're actually looking something like faces/heads, so according to the rules I've set for myself, I have to try something harder.  Even some of the bodies I've been doing lately haven't been the worst, but don't worry, it gets bad again.

     I figure the next step would be actual scenes, meaning still people and such, but in places rather than the endless white void of photoshop.  As it turns out, I'm not so great at scaling things down or placing them in proper perspective yet.  Well, whatever, it isn't as bad as an update I did a little over a year ago, my first attempts at perspective/location. 

     For these, I decided to try and illustrate a few moments that are hazy and vague for me, soaked in booze and THC,  but still burned deep into my brain by the sheer silliness.  These are mental snapshots of one Saturday night in February 2003,  very similar to many others but set apart by the conclusion.  I suppose these won't carry much meaning to most of the people looking at them, just like any anecdote a person relates about their craaaaaazy youth that is utterly mundane and completely similar to those of everyone else. 

     I'm pretty happy with this face.  I find the emotion of disgust easier to draw than any other, and that's probably related to how many times I've elicited it from people.  I'm sure this waitress was a very nice and reasonable person, and it didn't even need to be thought about in retrospect to know we were just not fit to be out in public.  Not to take all the blame though, my drinking companion that night was a consummate professional at getting way too fucking drunk and being removed from establishments.

     So clearly the faces suffered hard on this one, and yeah, the building isn't that great.  My attempt at making a brick outer facade turned out more like the rubber room at a looney bin.  Which I guess we would have absolutely deserved.  Anyway, yeah, the drawing suffered a little overall here.  Architecture is still pretty daunting to me, but hopefully that will get good enough soon.  Any reasonable human being would have called it a night at this point, but we were Nova Scotians in our early 20's, reasonable wasn't even on our radar.

     I think this one turned out a bit better.  Every time I walk past this alley I get a little nostalgic twinge.  Not in a good way, really, but it does make me smile.  Whenever I see a bum sleeping it off there, I hope a little bit of the spirit of that night makes it into his dreams.  I wish I was taking creative license with these drawings, but I'm cursed with this memory that haunts me with every dumbass, embarrassing thing I've ever done or said.  In fact, I could probably produce a huge series of the terrible ideas and poor party form that defined my early twenties.  

     So, please, if you take anything from this, hopefully it will be that I am not a person to be emulated.  Use me to scare kids away from drinking and long hair.