
Monday, 21 July 2014

A grumpy old creature of habit

     That was a lot of months.  I didn't do a whole lot of anything for a while because I get skittish when it's time to move.  Now that I'm settled into the new home and replaced all the shit my dumb ass broke in the move, I started back up. 

     For a minute I thought I was going to end up doing a bunch of pictures of complaining about the heat, because that's certainly something I've never done before.  I decided not to, but don't worry, I still have a deep well of non-creativity to tap and managed to make some more drawings of overweight men. 

     Speaking of non-creativity, looking at these after I drew them makes me think I'm crossing that boundary of "inspired by" into "plagiarism" with regards to Will Laren  Here they go in some kind of order:
     So, please allow me to explain what happened here.  Two months of not practicing takes a toll, as you can see.  Also, I'm still sort of incompetent with Photoshop.  I keep hitting buttons without realizing I hit them, and then not knowing what settings I changed.  Still having trouble making perspective work, that's one shitty leg/foot combo on the left.  My greatest failure with this image is that I couldn't get the mullet to be as kickin rad as I wanted it to.

          This is loosely based on my previous Halloween costume.  I like this one more than the last one, it came together much more easily. 

     This one I am most proud of/embarrassed by.  Only proud in the sense of I figured out a few things about Photoshop, embarrassed at how simple those things are and how long this took.  As far as the actual drawing goes, I do think it's slightly better than what I've done so far.  With the exception of the Liefeld claw-hand and the general noisiness of the image, I'm pretty pleased with it.  I think I'm drifting into some kind of pseudo Simpsons/Family guy character style, that isn't really on purpose but I think just a side effect of the way I've been drawing mouths.  As far as what this picture is about, it's a depiction of what I figured my life would be like in my early 20's, as imagined by 19 year old me getting ready to move to Halifax. 

     So I'm going to try to not let it slip so much.  Not that anything is really hanging in the balance, but I could swing dangerously close to being that kind of asshole I talked about in one of the first entries, all "durr hey check out my blog oops I'm bored of it."

     Uh, bye.