
Thursday, 20 February 2014

Urgent matters and idle chatters

     There are two shows I've been watching recently that are both pretty new and pretty goddam sweet.  I say that about a lot of shows, but we're in a little bit of a golden age for this sort of thing.  You would think that with all the different cartoons I rave about, I must be pretty easy to please.  This is the opposite of fact.  I'm insufferably difficult to please, and sometimes I think I take pleasure in that fact.  With that being said, the two I'm about to show you are the best new ones I've seen in at least a few years.  I'm not going to do a huge preamble here because there's something else I want to do with this post, but you really need to know about these.

China, Illinois - A lovely deuce dropped on us by Brad Neely, who, if you are at all familiar with, you will know from the Washington song.  He worked on some of the best seasons of South Park while maintaining a pretty deadly youtube channel.  The video I linked is on the youtube channel which only has promos for the Adult Swim show alongside the original youtube shorts, and it's one of those things where people are really divided over which one is better.  I say those people are idiots because they are missing the point entirely.  The point is, fucking enjoy this god damn it, smile for once in your empty life.

Rick and Morty -  Have you ever heard me talk about Adventure Time? It's a thing I do ONCE IN A WHILE.  There's an actor on it that just so happens to have been doing internet animation for years; Justin Roiland.  Years ago he blessed us with House of Cosbys (which might actually be why the internet was invented in the first place).  He also did Doc and Marty which HOLY SHIT NOT SAFE FOR WORK DAWG.  Rick and Morty is a way cleaned up take on Doc and Marty, and as it turns out, is the best animated show I've seen in years.  It's as if a very, very dark Futurama smashed into The Venture Bros.  That sentence alone should tell you everything you need to know if you know anything about me at all.  I've been pushing this show on everyone lately so I hope you trust me enough to check it out.

     So, as far as actually making cartoons goes: I'm working on it.  The last two I made were both made up as I was going along, and I think that kind of shows.  This time, I'm putting more effort into it.  There's a step in animation called animatics; they're used to block out the action and interaction before the real effort goes into animation.  I still didn't really do this the recommended way, not because I'm such a rebel, but because I still don't really have a great grasp of what I'm doing.  Currently, I'm only a small portion of the way through the new cartoon, but I have a first draft audio recorded and did a really basic animatic.  Consider this a progress report, since waiting for it to be finished would mean not making any posts for three months or so.  Here's what I have so far.

     Ok, so, pretty crude.  I know anyone out there with audio engineering training is cringing pretty hard right now.  Sometimes I think the whole reason I do this is so I can record silly voices with a sub-standard mic.  Anyway, there are still a lot of problems, like the audio needs to be redone at least a little, and I'm not really satisfied with a few of the lines.  It could end a little better, for sure.  Well, whatever.  This weekend I plan on starting the actual asset creation (i.e. actually drawing some things) which I'm excited about because I actually did a little bit of learning on how to do colouring that isn't atrocious.  This is the most ambitious of my cartoons to date, which is funny considering how simple an idea it is.  I've had some ideas for other cartoons, but I like those ideas so much that I don't want to waste them by churning them out when my skill isn't where they deserve.  Hopefully within a few months I'll be making stuff that I'm actually proud of.  This one should give me lots of practice with character/background design and maaaaaaybe when it's finished it'll look good.  

     Anyway, by this point you're probably tired of both my actual voice and my metaphorical typing voice.  Stay lovely kids, and frost those tips.